Activity Diagram - Linear Process
Activity Diagram Example | Non-System Process
First we'll be studying a non-system process such as ordering a pizza.
Note: "Await next steps" does not imply that we're waiting for the next step in the process, but rather literally awaiting next steps as instructed by the pizza parlor.
Take note of the level of detail we've chosen to display. What are some other details we could have included in this diagram? Perhaps decisions or actions pertaining to:
- Whether or not we make our own or choose a specialty
- If we get pizza toppings
- If we choose to ask about specials running
These diagrams can be extremely detailed, or a higher level depending on what you're trying to accomplish. What's important is that all the steps shown are necessary to order a pizza. Keep this in mind when creating activity diagrams. What is a minimum level of detail required to execute the process and are there times when much more detail is required?
Below, we have a new written process, sending a text message. Take a look at the process and then continue to find the Activity Diagram generated from the textual process:
Pre-condition: Mobile device is turned on and navigated to an appropriate Text Messaging button to launch application.
Post-condition: Text message is sent.
(Action 1) Open Text Messaging application. (Decision 1) If this is not a new conversation, (Action 2) choose recipient from recent messages list and (Action 3) proceed to Action 8. (Decision 2) If this is a new conversation, (Action 4) press the appropriate Compose New Message button. (Decision 3) If the recipient field does not have focus, (Action 5) set focus to the recipient text field. (Decision 4) If you are choosing a recipient from contacts, (Action 6) select appropriate contact info. (Decision 5) If you are not choosing a recipient from contacts, (Action 7) type contact info into recipient text field. (Action 8) Type desired message into appropriate outgoing message text field. (Action 9) Press send.
Take a look at the above activity diagram and take some time to think about what other details or branches of the process could be elaborated upon for even more in depth decision-making.
Note: You, as the designer can present the actions in the order you believe is best. Having presented the design on paper, you can discuss changes to that order with your client.